Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Scary cat

No, not *scaredy-cat* . . . SCARY cat. Observe.

The pumpkin (is delicious)

Tonight the pumpkin carving happened. Olivia at first refused to approach the pumpkin's guts, and I can't say that I blame her. She did get into mixing the seeds, however, which added to the taste of the now-baked end product. I am proud to be part of a family where the main point of nearly every activity is to eat something.

Olivia the painter (aka "Oh-va-va")

Olivia received an easel from Uncle Todd and Auntie Erin. Here she is demonstrating how she has achieved the level of intensity and concentration required to be a great painter. The heavy breathing has less to do with painterly commitment than it did with a very bad cold. Thankfully, that's gone, but the easel is not.