Sunday, June 20, 2010

Driveway Car Wash

I think that Grandpa has been saving up a whole bunch of activities that Olivia couldn't do in SoMa, San Francisco. Like driveway big wheeling. And driveway lawn-chair sitting. And now, as featured here, driveway car washing. You'll see that Olivia, in spite of the raging Delaware humidity, brings her characteristic flair to the task. She also declares dirty cars to be "dangerous." Luckily, all Nissan-related danger has since been removed from the driveway.


RookieMom Whitney said...

Currently bribing Scarlett into dressing herself with a promise of watching a video of Olivia.

RookieMom Whitney said...

Dear Olivia,

I WUV to watch your video. I asked my mom to mail this to you. I asked for "Olivia videos" wast night before bed. Then I asked again dis morning. My favorite Olivia The Girl video is the one where she washes the car.


PS Note from Scarlett's mother: Scarlett differentiates Olivia The Girl from Olivia The Pig. She far prefers The Girl.